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Microbiology Consumables

Labmore® Inoculating Needles and Loops and L Shape Spreader
Labmore® inoculating needles and loops are used for inoculation, serial dilution, sterile sampling, transfer and microbiological sample spreading. They provide a perfect combination choice to transfer bacterial cultures without risk of contamination.

Product Details

Labmore® inoculating needles and loops are used for inoculation, serial dilution, sterile sampling, transfer and microbiological sample spreading. They provide a perfect combination choice to transfer bacterial cultures without risk of contamination. 

Inoculating Needles and Loops 3


• Uniform streaking and inoculating

• Nontoxic, Non-pyrogenic

• No need for flame sterilization

• Packed in peel-to-open paper wrappers

• Bendable to access small volume tubes and dishes


Cat.#Details SterilePackCtn

lnoculating Needles, Sterile, Individually Wrapped

WIL0001lnocuLating Loops, 1uL, Sterile, Individually WrappedYes11000
WIL0010lnocuLating Loops, 10uL, Sterile, Individually WrappedYes11000
WIL1010lnocuLating Loops, 10uL, SterileYes101000
WLS0001L Shape Spreader, Sterile, Individually WrappedYes11000
WLS1001L Shape Spreader,SterileYes101000

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